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Please see my collection of Christian Art, landscapes, portraits and paintings

Please see my collection of Christian Art, landscapes, portraits and paintings.

Gallery Paintings
Please see my Geodesic models based on the Da Vinci's polyhedra and Buckminster designs

Please see my Geodesic models based on the Da Vinci's polyhedra and Buckminster designs.

Gallery Sculptures
Jesus Christ Portrait, Last supper Portrait, Christianity Catholicism

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Art by Gabriel Morales

Gabriel Morales is an artist who mainly works with acrylics, oils and digital painting. He was born in Bogota, Colombia but he moved to Ontario, Canada in 2000. He studied Art History and he has a bachelor degree as Mechanical Engineer. He started painting mainly landscapes on canvas using acrylic and oils in 2001 to escape and spend his free time during the long and hard winters in Canada. In 2003, he started painting commercial pet and family portraits using digital painting on canvas, enhancing the final works with acrylic and oils. He has developed his own mixed technique using digital media, acrylics and oil paintings. He loves the colors and his paintings usually reflect certain personal memories, believes and emotions. Almost every painting he painted has a very personal inspiration. His art can be reflected as very positive through the bright colors he uses. He paints mainly landscape, city scenes, seascapes, flowers and portraits. He lives in Barrie, Ontario, Canada.

Gabriel also has a long experience working in traditional paintings on canvas with acrylics and oils, plus the best computer skills and knowledge of modern artistic software (Painter from Corel). His talent and dedication allow him to create the best quality in digital painting like portraits and landscapes. Of course, each artwork is produced adding his personal touch of art, style and sensitivity. “Some of my paintings tend to focus on our reality, our context and the society. Some reviews have labeled my work as 'black humor' but I always try to depict a deep reflexion and a positive message too“.

His paintings are a great source of relaxation as well, according to the day per day living. Capturing the light and the color is everything! Gabriel's paintings are a little bit of self-indulgence, as he chooses images that he sees and gets enjoyment out of the challenges they bring him. “I hopes that others get as much enjoyment from the finished results as I did from creating them.”

“My influences are first and foremost everything I see, feel and experience, but I've always followed my family values and my catholic education I received when I was teenager with the Italian Salesians community, founded by Don Bosco in Turin. I’m not a full-time painter, and sometimes I do not paint for years. Sometimes I spend long time without painting anything. But when I have a new idea, a new concept, then I work full time to it, and I do not change of activity, to see completed on canvas painting, which can take several weeks or even several months”.

Gabriel studied Art History and he found a special fascination for the great painters of the Italian Renaissance, especially for the Leonardo da Vinci's designs and paintings. Da Vinci is perhaps best known as an artist. His name inevitably brings forth images of the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa, but he is well known as an artist, inventor, architect, and anatomist. But many engineers (like Gabriel) worldwide consider to Da Vinci as the "Quintessential Engineer", one able to effectively combine scientific intellect with artistic creativity.

One of his favorite paintings is the "Portrait of Jesus", painting he did recently, in 2017. And several people have asked him if, for painting, he used a photograph as a reference. He usually answers that "yes, I use a photograph of his face, taken during a dream I had with Jesus".

All are welcomed to come and see the world through my eyes!

About Leonardo Da Vinci

Gabriel studied Art History and he found a special fascination for the great painters of the Italian Renaissance, especially for the Leonardo da Vinci's designs and paintings. Da Vinci is perhaps best known as an artist. His name inevitably brings forth images of the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa, but he is well known as an artist, inventor, architect, and anatomist. But many engineers (like Gabriel) worldwide consider to Da Vinci as the "Quintessential Engineer", one able to effectively combine scientific intellect with artistic creativity. Da Vinci wanted to create new machines for a new world. He wanted to create better conditions for people as well as animals. He applied his drawing and perspective skills to a career that earned him higher pay than an artist, working as an engineer for many years.

Driven by an unrelenting curiosity and an insatiable hunger for knowledge, da Vinci was an incredibly innovative thinker who perceived the world not only as his personal playground, but also as one with unlimited possibilities. From his fertile mind sprang designs of flying machines and instruments of war, as well as practical theories and concepts in engineering, mathematics, and science, many of which were centuries ahead of their times. If da Vinci lived in our time, his accomplishments would have been considered astounding. His prominent position on this personal art site reflects the unique manner in which he most vividly personifies what, we believe, it means to be an engineer.

All are welcomed to come and see the world through my eyes. I would like to know your comments about my art. I look forward to hearing from you.

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